Discovering that you are expecting can be a momentously exciting occasion, however sometimes, in between picking out names and picking out nursery décor, the reality of what is about to happen sets in. There is a lot of information available to help soon-to-be parents prepare for the birth of their child and what comes after; however many are not prepared for the worry and stress that can come before baby’s arrival, and that’s where a prenatal care clinic in Calgary can help care for, guide, and reassure you.
From what you eat, to the activities that you participate in, pregnancy brings out the worrier in all of us. Combine that tendency with endless unsolicited advice and a barrage of internet searches and it’s no wonder that pregnancy sometimes causes stress and anxiety in new parents. But before you’ve even announced your pregnancy to the world, there are medical appointments, questionnaires, ultrasounds, and screening tests to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and to monitor the fetus. These visits to your doctor (OB-GYN, midwife, or prenatal care clinic) will occur approximately every 4-6 weeks and are very important and reassuring.
While many expectant parents revel in these milestone appointments and look forward to every weigh-in, heartbeat, and ultrasound, others also find this a time of increased anxiety. Having your pregnancy followed by a prenatal care clinic offers mothers a safe, secure, and understanding environment to not only monitor their pregnancy, but to ask questions and solicit advice without fear or judgment.
Pregnant mothers are inundated with information, and everyone will process this information differently. Some women find comfort in reading everything they can about pregnancy, the baby, and the birth, while other find the flood of information and corresponding questions too much to handle. While all women will experience pregnancy a little differently, they can all benefit from having a prenatal care clinic available to them to offer kind, compassionate, quality pregnancy care.